My name is Darrell Price. Different inspectors have varying qualifications, equipment, experience, reporting methods, and pricing. Ultimately, a thorough home inspection is what you want and it depends heavily on the individual inspector’s own effort. If you honor me by permitting me to inspect your new home, I guarantee that I'll give you my very best effort.
I've been a major participant in the Housing Industry for 25 years in 3 states generating secondary income doing home remodel/repair work and outdoor living space projects. I soon discovered that what I truly longed for was to be self employed. That's when I decided to become a Licensed Certified Home Inspector in Broken Arrow. It's an honor working for home-buying clients and helping them make smart decisions. I cherish the home I share with the most beautiful woman in the world, and in it we're raising a lovely, intelligent daughter. Now I want to help you choose the right home for your family. Feel free to contact me for anything, at anytime. |
Darrell Price, President
Licensed Certified Home Inspector
OK LIC# 70002011
Licensed Certified Home Inspector
OK LIC# 70002011